
готелі Svetlana Plus

Номера и гости
2 гостя

Описание местоположения

Sochi City - 1,81 km Sochi - 21,61 km, Sochi-Adler - 21,61 km, Pashkovsky - 169,37 km, Gelendzhik - 177,64 km Sochi - 2,39 km, Loo - 18,69 km, Adler - 19,29 km Sea terminal - 1,63 km, Sea terminal - 1,63 km, Sea terminal - 1,7 km Winter Theatre - 0,31 km, Circus - 0,44 km, Dendrarium - 0,54 km, Sochi Art Museum - 0,72 km, Chamber and Organ Music Hall - 1,18 km

Доп информация об отеле

The hotel is located in the heart of the golden triangle of the city of Sochi. Thanks to the wonderful climate, Sochi has been a popular year-round resort for many years attracting people who want to have a good time. Our guests can enjoy all the advantages of Sochi: the sea, the sun, pleasant walks in city parks, the atmosphere of relaxation and celebration. Near the hotel are the beach "Zhemchuzhina" and the city beach, park named after Frunze and Arboretum park, Festivalny circus and concert hall, Summer and Winter theatres, Plastunskaya mineral water source and much more. It is easy to get to the facilities of the Olympic Park and the Krasnaya Polyana ski resort along Kurortny Prospekt. Transport accessibility to the main arteries of the city is a distinctive advantage of our hotel. Within walking distance from our hotel there is a restaurant on the high seas, as well as many restaurants and cafes on the well-maintained central promenade by the sea. We offer year-round recreation to guests of all ages and interests. Sochi offers beaches and parks, theaters and entertainment centers, cafes and restaurants, health paths and many opportunities for interesting excursions and trips.

Svetlana Plus

Svetlana Plus

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